Sunday, March 23, 2014

"Is butter a carb?"

Oh Regina, you aren't the only confused one here...

From the questions asked and the answers I've received, a lot of people tend to think that carbohydrates are mainly breads, candies, and sugary desserts.
*wags finger vigorously*
No, there is a larger list of foods! Some people may be surprised to learn that fruits as well as some vegetables contain carbohydrates.
Today's quick and easy lesson will answer the question "What foods contain carbs?"

To put it simply, there are 5 main food groups high in carbohydrates:
  • Grains - ex. bread, rice, oats, pasta, etc.
  • Fruits - ex. fresh and dried fruits
  • Dairy - ex. milk, yogurt
  • Starchy vegetables - ex. peas, corn, potatoes, beans/legumes
  • Sweets - ex. candy, sugar-sweetened beverages, etc.
As you can see, carbohydrates are found in almost everything we eat. The meat/protein, fats/oils, and non-starchy vegetables are food groups low in carbohydrates.

For a more in-depth look about the different types of carbohydrates, you can visit the American Diabetes Association website! The Food & Fitness section has really great material to better understand carbohydrates. 

And just in case you were wondering... no, butter is not a carb. :)